Apply Precision Insights for Healthy Hair Goals

Utilize genetic insights to customize hair care products and routines, supporting factors such as moisture retention, follicle strength, and resilience against environmental stressors. This knowledge empowers you to help your clients confidently achieve their hair goals.

Genetics for Personalized Haircare

Address Scalp Concerns with Genetic Data

Healthy hair starts with a healthy scalp. Genetics affect scalp conditions like dandruff, dermatitis, and inflammation. Sensitive scalps show issues like barrier function disruption and imbalanced sebum. Understanding genetic scalp factors helps recommend personalized care for scalp concerns.

Delve Deeper into Hair Health

Learn to support clients with oily hair, balding, or premature graying using genetic data for informed decisions. Also, address other hair traits like texture, thickness, and damage susceptibility through nutrition pathways. Understanding genetic predispositions helps implement preventive measures and personalized treatments for individuals and professionals.

Improve Client Satisfaction and Retention

Providing personalized, data-driven hair care regimens demonstrates a commitment to client satisfaction and outcomes. Clients are more likely to trust and remain loyal to professionals who take a personalized approach to their care, leading to increased satisfaction and retention rates.

List of Haircare Traits

hair dryness, hair greying, deficiency in hair growth, hair lipids, hair loss, hair thickness, keratin type 2 imbalance, scalp antioxidant deficiency, scalp barrier function, scalp collagen breakdown, scalp glycation, impairment in scalp hydration, scalp irritability, impairment in scalp pollution defense, scalp sensitivity to sun, scalp thinning, seborrheic dermatitis, overproduction of sebum

Sample PDF: Haircare Traits

Give your clients the power of Personalized Health with DNA